Monday, May 24, 2010

AWESOME: Complete Streets

While at CNU18, the phrase 'complete streets' kept wandering into the conversation. Somehow I missed that couplet along the way, all the while having been a fan of the ideas inherent in the concept. No idea how that happened...

There is a great FAQ on the Complete Streets Coalition's website for those who'd like to review the concepts involved. The main key to to realize that we need 'streets' not 'roads' in our cities. Streets serve people first and cars second. Roads serve cars exclusively. Roads exist to get people from one point of civilization to another, but tend to destroy that civilization when they run through it.

Below is a pic from the Complete Streets Flickr feed - notice: 2 lanes, center shared turn lane that allows through traffic to move freely, bike lanes, on street parking offers traffic calming and a shield for pedestrians, urban trees as appropriate. This can move as much traffic as a 4 lane road with no center turn lane, and do it in a safer manner for all. Added benefit: Increased property values benefit neighborhoods and the city's ad valorem base.