Tuesday, May 25, 2010

AWESOME: Andres Duany at The Congress of the New Urbanism CNU18

So, I got the opportunity to see architect and New Urbanism prophet Andres Duany speak on a number of occasions at the Congress. Andres is a highly charismatic guy - one could actually term him messianic when it comes to the message of Urbanism. The creator of Seaside was far more approachable and likable than I expected. Much is made of the egos of architects, but in his case I'd discount that from 'ego' to 'clarity of vision'.

Duany is, in spite of his renown and his position as the leading light of the Urbanist movement* is - and most will disagree - a humble guy.

What? How is that possible?

Simple: He is so absolutely sure of his vision, the goals and the product itself, that - while he is delivering the message in a way no one else can - he does so on service of the message itself. Sure, he is the center of attention, and sure, he is the architect... but its not about him, its about a better way to live. Hence, I adjudge him as 'humble' as compared to most other architects.

*Seriously. I never use the word 'movement' outside of discussing digestive issues because it smacks of stoner hippies whining about some idiotic claptrap, but in this case - it actually makes sense and makes me smile.

1 comment:

  1. New Urbanism is fine as long as they stay away from retro-kitch.
